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Obama wants 172 billion in TARP funds for SBA

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Obama keeps promise to help Small Business

imagination is our power

D.A.A.L.O.W. - Dreams Are A Lot Of Work   If you are ready to pursue your dreams, or take it to the next level, we have the experience and resources that can help you be successful. Do you have a plan? Is your plan one of the over 80% that get turned down because it is lacking of information or an incorrect layout?

We specialize in helping you with Small/Medium Business funding, planning and being successful. We do everything to SBA standards so that no matter where you go for funding, you are presenting your package at the highest level. Being prepared is what lays the road ahead for your business and it's success.  We at Daalow will become Engaged with you and your plan. To ensure it is right for your business. We will not just hand you a pre canned Template with name and address change. We will help you find the funds that are available wherever you are, work with the lender, and walk you thru the process.

What ever your needs, we can find the right program for you.

We will help you go down the path of Success. Small Business is the back bone of this country. It has supplied over 70% of all new jobs this last 10 years. It's always been your right "The pursuit of Happiness" that our fore fathers set for us.

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